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Sections:Spotlight(s) of the Week

When:   November 4, 2009 11:45am
Where:   Cross Campus
Type:   Meeting

This Wednesday, November 4, from 11:15 AM-12:00 PM on Cross Campus, the Yale College Democrats, along with students from the Yale School of Medicine, will hold a rally in support health care reform.� The rally is part of a national day for action organized by youth groups across America to show that young people care about health care reform. Whether you are insured and want lower health care costs and stability, or uninsured and in need of coverage, everyone will benefit from a Congressional reform plan, and everyone will lose if Congress fails to act. The rally will feature leading health care policy lecturer and adviser to the President, Dr. KJ Lee, as well as members of the Yale College Democrats and Medical School students. �Please join us at the rally, and in calling and writing to Senator Lieberman and other politicians in Washington, D.C. to let them know that we care!

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