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When:   March 2, 2010 9:00pm
Where:   Dwight Hall Chapel
Type:   Meeting

Come find out how YOU can get involved with the passage of the DREAM Act!


Immigration is NOT a Latino issue.

Contrary to the images perpetuated by the media, the realities of immigration policies affect all of our communities, not just the Latino working class. Every year, over 65,000 undocumented students, who entered this country before reaching 16 years of age, graduate from high school with their arms tied behind their back. Though these students have graduated despite all the odds in a country they have taken up as their own, they face additional obstacles in the form of college tuition, an inability to legally work, and the daily fear of deportation and discrimination.

The DREAM Act would grant these students, as selected by strict guidelines, a six year period of temporary residence in which they would be expected to complete two years worth of courses toward a bachelor's degree or two years worth of military service. If they accomplish one or the other, they will be granted citizenship.

These students are your friends. Status is not something loosely revealed, so it may very well be that your best friends at Yale are among those daily affected by the debilitating fear of deportation or of graduating from Yale with nowhere to go.

Support your friends and undocumented students throughout the country. Support the DREAM Act.

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