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When:   September 1, 2010 12:00pm
Where:   UNitarioan Universalist/NHLSCP
608 Whitney Ave
(On Blue Line)
Type:   Meeting

From the mines of Bolivia to industrial agriculture in Nicaragua to the Gulf Coast to Oil Tar Sands in Canada to Climate Change everywhere ...
Environmental Justice in the Americas
Action Planning Meeting

Thursday, September 2nd � 5:30 pm

Bring a friend!

New Haven/Leon Sister City Project
608 Whitney Avenue (Unitarian Building)
On the J Whitney bus line, or 20 minute walk from downtown up Whitney Ave. near Cold Spring St.

Help organize a New Haven based campaign to address environmental and economic injustice in the Americas - from climate change to mining to oil extraction to deforestation; we need to stop trashing the planet and stop dumping on marginalized communities. �We are working to develop an action oriented campaign that will involve art, music, nonviolent direct action, a march on October 2nd (Gandhis birthday), and push for concrete personal and policy change. ��More info: Chris at This email address is hidden from email harvesters via JavaScript ; 203 562 1607 (mornings)

The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.Wendell Berry

Change means movement. Movement means friction. �Saul Alinsky

The New Haven/Le�n Sister City Project is a progressive, binational, grassroots organization that fosters a partnership between the communities of Greater New Haven, Connecticut and Le�n, Nicaragua. Our mission is to promote social justice.

Additional Info/Contact:
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