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Students > Apply for Dwight Hall Funding

Dwight Hall offers funding to member groups through two funds:

The Campus and Community Fund
Through the Campus and Community Fund, Dwight Hall provides $12,000 in funding to member groups each semester. The application deadline for spring 2011 has passed. Please check back at the end of August 2011 for the application for fall 2011.
The Loving Kindness Fund
The Loving Kindness Fund was established in March 2003 by Fenmore R. Seton 38 and Charles and Dinny Wakerley to honor Phyllis Z. Seton. The purpose of this fund is to enable Dwight Hall member groups and individual Dwight Hall volunteers to engage in small-scale outings with project participants and enhance existing Dwight Hall projects through small acts of kindness.
Examples of activities that might be made possible by the Fund include taking your mentee or tutee out for lunch or purchasing art supplies for a student you think would really appreciate it, etc. �Money from the Fund cannot be used on Yale volunteers, and in the spirit in which the Fund was established, the limit for funding requests is $75 or less. �This does not substitute Campus and Community funding or UOFC funding. This Fund is for spontaneous, smaller scale activities and ideas.
Applications for the Loving Kindness fund are accepted on a rolling basis through Friday, April 1, 2011. Click here for the application.
