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YAAMNY Communications Working Group

Preliminary Outline

  1. Balance of all-alumni broadcasts and topical opt-in newsletters (A&E, service, classifieds, etc.)

    1. Monthly all-alumni newsletter?

    2. Promoting individual YAAMNY branded events?

    3. How often for other opt-in newsletters?

  2. Best practices need volunteers to work on guidelines for YAAMNY communications for consistency & effectiveness

    1. What info in subject line

    2. Use YAAMNY or something more general

    3. Formatting and layout�of the newsletter

    4. Where to send replies

    5. Etc.

  3. Technical notes

    1. Better publicize subscriptions page on website to increase individual awareness of YAAMNY offerings

    2. Group managers can edit/send group newsletters; only site editors can send to all alumni

    3. Support / backup options for Alberto as site editor?