Interested in strengthening connections between various social justice groups on campus? �Want to contribute to making the Social Justice Network more of a community by organizing cool events and trainings for the network?
Then apply to be an SJN Co-coordinator! �For the coming year, the SJN is looking for qualified applicants to fill two roles - Treasurer and Communications Director. �The treasurer is in charge managing SJN's annual funding, administering SJN stipends and managing the SJN fellowship. �The Communications Director will manage and update SJN's online presence while also keeping all SJN members up to date about upcoming events and opportunities. �Both positions are for the full year, stipended and share other general SJN Co-coordinator responsibilities.
What to do now:
2) Meet with current SJN co-coordinators to learn more about the roles and responsibilities on�Saturday, September 20 1-3PM
3) Come to the SJN meeting on�Sunday September 21 at 7PM for SJN elections. Applicants will have to make a 1 minute speech about their qualifications for the position, changes they would like to make to SJN and answer a surprise question.